Yovo Yovo

*2006*11 months in the US. Back to real jobs and responsibilities, but still no real clue about what I was doing...except that I loved a man thousands of miles away and wanted to marry him. *2005*12 months in Africa. No real job, no real responsibilities, no real clue about what I was doing. Just living life as a Yovo in an African world, enjoying the experiences I was given, and learning many things about this enormous world, the beautiful people in it, my unknown self, and my very real God.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Welcome to my first-ever blog!

With this blog I'm welcoming in a season of firsts: my first blog, my first sabbatical, and recently, my first mass e-mail. In the coming year of my sabbatical in Benin I'm sure I'll have many more firsts to report. Hopefully I'll be able to add some pictures as well.


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